By 2006 the disease had caused much damage and he suffered paralysis and extensive joint damage as a result of the illness.,8052,s6-21-0-7,00.html?bcpid=2888992001&bclid=82523976001&bctid=80117446001
He took on the challenge of the Comrades. Fifty six miles through the country side of South Africa. It is known as the Greatest Race in the World. The race by Bart and his fellow countryman were to help raise the plight of the Aids Orphans in South Africa.,8052,s6-21-0-7,00.html?cpid=2888992001&bclid=82523976001&bctid=80117446001
Bart in Africa: Pietermaritzburg - The Race,8052,s6-21-0-7,00.html?bcpid=2888992001&bclid=82523976001&bctid=80117446001